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1. Color Scheme:
1. Updated the background to a gradient from Indigo-800 to Blue-900
2. Changed text colors to use Indigo-800 and Blue-900 shades
3. Updated ring colors on avatar images to match the new scheme
2. Enhanced Design:
1. Added a containing card with white background (dark gray in dark mode)
2. Increased the size of avatar images for better visibility
3. Added a shadow effect to the card that changes color on hover
3. Responsiveness:
1. Maintained the responsive layout, stacking vertically on smaller screens
4. Animations and Interactions:
1. Added a fade-in animation for the entire component
2. Enhanced hover effects on avatar images (scale and z-index change)
3. Added a ring effect on hover for each avatar
5. Accessibility:
1. Maintained alt text for images
2. Ensured proper color contrast for text readability
6. Dark Mode:
1. Implemented dark mode support
2. Adjusted colors and ring effects for dark mode
7. Additional Enhancements:
1. Increased font sizes for better readability
2. Added font weight variations to emphasize important text
3. Improved spacing and alignment
This updated component maintains the original functionality while incorporating the Indigo-800 and Blue-900 color scheme and adding enhanced visual effects and interactions.
This tailwind example is contributed by nejaa badr, on 31-Oct-2024. Component is made with Tailwind CSS v3. It is responsive.
Author nejaa badr
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