shoping products
Shopping products
3 weeks ago232 -
shopping cart page product
Product page design single product, connect me for jsx
3 weeks ago211 -
google meet clone
Meeting application with fully responsive connect my web for jsx
3 weeks ago151 -
chat ui advanced
Professional chat ui, connect me for jsx
3 weeks ago155 -
Ai clone, chat ui
Chat interface for ai builder, dont toomuch focused on designing responsive
3 weeks ago177 -
Login page
Login and register page, you can reuse both
3 weeks ago341 -
OTP Verification Page
A responsive and interactive OTP verification page built with Tailwind CSS. The page features a gradient background, hover effects, and animations to enhance user experience. It includes input fields for the OTP, a resend OTP link, and a verify button. The design is optimized for both light and dark modes.
3 weeks ago287 -
The Stepper Component is a versatile and user-friendly tool designed to guide users through a sequence of steps. Whether you're building a multi-step form, a tutorial, or any process that requires sequential navigation, this component makes it easy to implement and customize.
3 weeks ago244 -
Responsive slider
3 weeks ago228 -
Interactive and customizable chips or tags to display labels, categories, or filters. Includes options for removable chips with icons and different styles.
1 month ago288 -
Progress Bar
A progress bar is a UI element that visually represents the completion status of a task or process. It helps users understand how much of a task has been completed and how much remains. Commonly used in forms, file uploads, loading screens, or multi-step processes, it enhances the user experience by providing clear feedback.
1 month ago302 -
timeline with journey
1 month ago181