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Linear infinite brand scrolling with hover effect
Linear infinite brand scrolling with hover effect
Beautiful lineat brand scrolling partner with hover effect
This tailwind example is contributed by Walid Ahmad, on 02-Sep-2024. Component is made with Tailwind CSS v3. It is responsive.
Author Walid Ahmad
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Forgot Password Form
1. Color Updates: 1. Changed background to gradient `from-indigo-800 to-blue-900` 2. Updated text colors to match the new theme 3. Changed button colors to `bg-indigo-800` with `hover:bg-blue-900` 4. Updated focus rings to use indigo colors 5. Made footer links white with indigo hover states 2. Enhanced Styling: 1. Added gradient background 2. Improved border radius to `rounded-xl` 3. Enhanced shadow with `shadow-2xl` 4. Added hover scale effects 5. Added fade-in animation 3. Dark Mode Improvements: 1. Enhanced dark mode colors 2. Added system preference detection 3. Improved dark mode contrast 4. Updated dark mode focus rings 4. Added Functionality: 1. Added form validation 2. Added success message 3. Added form reset after submission 4. Added smooth transitions 5. Accessibility Improvements: 1. Maintained ARIA attributes 2. Enhanced focus states 3. Improved color contrast 4. Added transition animations for better UX 6. Added Interactions: 1. Hover effects on all interactive elements 2. Scale animation on card and button hover 3. Smooth color transitions 4. Form validation feedback The form now matches the Indigo-800 and Blue-900 color scheme while maintaining dark mode support and adding enhanced animations and interactions.
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This responsive portfolio with dark mode support includes: 1. Fully responsive design that works on both desktop and mobile devices 2. Dark mode toggle with system preference detection and local storage persistence 3. Indigo-800 and Blue-900 color scheme for primary colors in light and dark modes 4. Beautiful animations and effects: 1. Fade-in and slide-up animations for sections using Intersection Observer 2. Hover effects on projects and buttons 3. Smooth scrolling for navigation 5. Mobile-friendly navigation with a toggle menu 6. Sections for About, Projects, and Contact 7. A contact form with styled inputs 8. Social media links in the footer 9. Accessibility considerations (proper heading structure, color contrast, focus styles, ARIA labels) Key features: - The color scheme uses Indigo-800 for light mode and orange-400 for dark mode as primary colors - Dark mode toggle in the header with a sun/moon icon - Sections fade in and slide up as they enter the viewport - Project cards have a hover effect with scaling and increased shadow - The contact form has animated focus states - Social media icons change color on hover - The layout is responsive, with a hamburger menu for mobile screens - Smooth scrolling behavior for navigation links - Dark mode preference is saved in local storage and syncs with system preference This implementation provides a visually appealing, accessible, and functional responsive portfolio with dark mode support, using HTML, Tailwind CSS, and vanilla JavaScript for the
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