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Responsive Dashboard
Responsive Dashboard
1. Background Colors:
1. Main background: `bg-indigo-50`
2. Welcome card: `bg-indigo-100` with `border-indigo-200`
3. Inbox card: `bg-blue-100` with `border-blue-200`
4. Overlay: `bg-indigo-900/50`
2. Text Colors:
1. Header text: `text-indigo-800`
2. Logo: `text-blue-900` and `text-indigo-800`
3. Menu items hover: `hover:text-indigo-800`
4. Card headings: `text-blue-900`
3. Button/Badge Colors:
1. Welcome badge: `bg-indigo-800`
2. Inbox button: `bg-blue-800` with `hover:bg-blue-900`
3. Stats card titles: `text-indigo-800`
4. Maintained all functionality:
1. Responsive design
2. Animations and transitions
3. Mobile menu
4. Hover effects
5. Notification animation
The color scheme now uses a mix of Indigo-800 and Blue-900 while maintaining visual hierarchy and accessibility. The colors create a professional and cohesive look across all components.
This tailwind example is contributed by nejaa badr, on 30-Oct-2024. Component is made with Tailwind CSS v3. It is responsive. similar terms for this example are Admin Dashboard, User dashboard
Author nejaa badr
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