

Passionate frontend developer crafting sleek and interactive UI components with TailwindCSS. Sharing creative designs and animations to inspire and empower developers. Let's build beautiful, responsive web experiences together


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  • Interactive Toggle Switch with Smooth Animation

    A stylish toggle switch component built with Tailwind CSS and enhanced with minimal JavaScript. This toggle switch features smooth color transitions, dynamic text ("ON/OFF"), and a moving indicator ball, providing a visually appealing and functional design. Ideal for modern web interfaces where toggling functionality is required. Easily customizable for various use cases.

  • Radial Progress Indicator with TailwindCSS

    A sleek and customizable radial progress indicator built with SVG and styled using TailwindCSS. The progress bar is animated with smooth transitions, featuring a circular background, dynamic progress, and centered text or optional imagery. Perfect for showcasing percentages, stats, or any progress-related metrics in your projects.

  • Gradient Flip-Text Button with Hover Animation

    This stylish button features a dynamic gradient background that shifts from a calm green gradient by default to a vibrant purple-pink-red gradient on hover. The button also includes an interactive text flip effect, where the text seamlessly transitions on hover, creating a visually appealing and modern UI element. Perfect for adding flair to your websites or applications while maintaining functionality and responsiveness.

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