zobaidul kaziex


zobaidul kaziex


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  • Rating with text

    you also want to show a text near the stars you can use this example as a reference. @zobaidulkazi

  • Previous and next with icons

    Use the following code to show simple previous and next elements with icons. @zobaidulkazi

  • Hero Section

    I created a unique and dynamic hero section using TailwindCSS and HTML5. The design features an animated gradient background that smoothly transitions colors, creating a visually appealing backdrop. Additionally, animated blurry blobs add a fluid and modern touch. The centered content includes a bold welcome message, a brief description, and a clear call-to-action button, all styled for responsiveness and a seamless user experience.

  • Responsive Registration Page

    I created a responsive and visually appealing registration page using TailwindCSS and HTML5. This page features a gradient background, a modern card-style form, and clear input fields for username, email, password, and password confirmation. It includes client-side validation with real-time error messages to ensure all required fields are filled correctly and passwords match. This form is designed to provide a seamless user experience across all devices.

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