zobaidul kaziex


zobaidul kaziex


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  • Responsive Hero Section

    Key features of this hero section: 1. Responsive layout: Uses a column layout on mobile and switches to a row layout on medium screens and larger. 2. Left side: - Company name as a large heading - Brief description - "Learn More" button 3. Right side: - "Why Choose Us?" section with bullet points - Two call-to-action buttons: "Get Started" and "Contact Sales" 4. Styling: - Uses Tailwind's utility classes for responsive design, colors, spacing, and typography - Incorporates a shadow and rounded corners for the right-side content box - Includes hover effects on buttons for better interactivity This hero section will be fully responsive: - On mobile devices, it will stack vertically with the company info on top and the details below. - On larger screens, it will display in a two-column layout. The use of Tailwind CSS classes ensures that the design is consistent and easily adjustable. You can further customize the colors, fonts, and spacing to match your brand's specific design guidelines. Would you like me to explain any part of this code or make any adjustments?

  • Production-Ready Responsive Navigation

    This is a sample content area. Scroll down to see the fixed header in action.

  • Rating with text

    you also want to show a text near the stars you can use this example as a reference. @zobaidulkazi

  • Previous and next with icons

    Use the following code to show simple previous and next elements with icons. @zobaidulkazi

  • Hero Section>> visually striking and incorporates some different elements.

    Key features of this alternative hero section: 1. Background: - Uses a gradient overlay on top of a background image for depth. - Incorporates a semi-transparent dark overlay for better text contrast. 2. Layout: - Maintains a two-column layout on larger screens, stacking on mobile. - Left side focuses on a bold, three-line tagline and concise description. - Right side features a glassmorphic card with key selling points. 3. Design Elements: - Uses a custom Google Font (Poppins) for a modern look. - Incorporates rounded buttons with hover effects. - Features colorful icons for the selling points. - Adds a decorative wave SVG at the bottom for visual interest. 4. Responsiveness: - Adjusts padding, font sizes, and layout for different screen sizes. - Stacks buttons vertically on very small screens. 5. Interactivity: - Includes hover effects on buttons and links. This design aims to create a more visually impactful first impression while still maintaining clarity and focus on the key messages and call-to-action elements. The use of a background image with overlays adds depth, while the glassmorphic card on the right adds a modern touch. You can further customize this by: - Changing the background image URL to one that fits your brand. - Adjusting colors in the gradient, buttons, and icons to match your brand colors. - Modifying the tagline, description, and selling points to fit your company's message. Would you like me to explain any part of this code or make any further adjustments?

  • Responsive Registration Page

    I created a responsive and visually appealing registration page using TailwindCSS and HTML5. This page features a gradient background, a modern card-style form, and clear input fields for username, email, password, and password confirmation. It includes client-side validation with real-time error messages to ensure all required fields are filled correctly and passwords match. This form is designed to provide a seamless user experience across all devices.

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