Footer, TailwindFlex v2
Another footer version of Example users randomly picked: Samuel & Prajwal
4 days ago12 -
6 days ago15
Hotel rooms
A simple room overview
1 week ago64 -
1 week ago125
A version of an showcase.
3 weeks ago216 -
Warb feature
Here another idea... [update] - mobile device fixed (curr iPh, Smg)
3 weeks ago545 -
Feature: Switch-Special
Here a special feature-showcase. I hope you like it ;)
1 month ago148 -
1 month ago274
1 month ago202
Looks better with in [Line-2] with: md:w-3/5
1 month ago165 -
Large fact counters with the "centered" title, a quarter overstand to the right site. Die JS-Line set the titles, so you only have to change the text -- and or modify the counters- or the titles background-color. [VIEW-NOTICE] If you change the from XS over MD to XL ... right-click here into the showcase and click "reload frame" or test it on you own site directly.
1 month ago333 -
1 month ago248