Features grid example
Tailwind clean and responsive features section with the heading
1 year ago10.1k -
Dropdown select on hover
this example does not uses javascript
1 year ago21.7k -
Code Block with Copy Button
this example uses clipboard.js to copy the code
1 year ago15k -
1 year ago8.9k
Tailwind image gallery
Responsive grid with evenly spaced image cards. Each card has a title label at the bottom, and there's a subtle hover effect for interactive engagement.
1 year ago45.1k -
1 year ago11.5k
Feature Showcase
The feature showcase's responsive grid can also be used as testimonial cards.
1 year ago17.6k -
Previous Next Buttons
Pagination buttons
1 year ago11.8k -
Pagination with total page and current page.
2 years ago9.6k -
Card placeholder
Skeleton Loader for card. This Tailwind component simulates a loading state for content cards. It includes a circular placeholder for an image or avatar and placeholder text for titles and descriptions.
2 years ago8.8k -
2 years ago12k
Range slider
Range slider with upper limit and lower limit.
2 years ago10.2k