tailwind navigation pills
1 year ago7.1k -
Pricing Cards
the component is designed to showcase and compare prices between different subscription plans.
1 year ago6k -
Basic Pricing Cards
highlight and promote different product or service plans
1 year ago5.4k -
1 year ago7k
Feature cards for company website
Each card provides a brief description of a specific feature, making it easy for users to understand the benefits and capabilities of our services
1 year ago5.5k -
Accordion FAQ
quick and easy access to frequently asked questions related to insurance. It allows users to expand and collapse questions with answers.
1 year ago7.5k -
Ripple Button
Ripple Button is an interactive button component with a ripple animation that responds to user clicks
1 year ago9.8k -
Text with gradient underline
Gradient Underline Text. Decorate your text with a gradient underline for a modern touch.
1 year ago7.8k -
Category filter section
Neatly organized clickable rectangular elements with category names
1 year ago7.3k -
Loading dots
Black Loading dots
1 year ago28.3k -
Checkout form
A versatile checkout form component for users to provide shipping and payment information. It has fields for first name, last name, address, city, state, ZIP code, card number, expiration date, and CVV.
1 year ago10.6k -
1 year ago9.5k