Flour mill website landing page template
flour mill and services template website which comprise of many sections like about us, featured products, why us, visit us
7 months ago7.5k -
Why Us section with hover animation
Why to choose us section, responsive and hove animation
7 months ago2.6k -
Snackbar with button
Show and close snackbar on button click with default timeout
1 year ago8.1k -
Greeting Card with CTA
card with two actions with greeting msg according to time
1 year ago6.6k -
Modern resume template
modern resume template with data
1 year ago17.5k -
multiple pricing cards
basic pricing card with single price
1 year ago11.2k -
Pricing card
basic pricing card with single price
1 year ago9.3k -
1 year ago13.7k
1 year ago10.6k
Sharp corner button design
button with hover effect
1 year ago10.8k -
1 year ago7.7k
1 year ago13.3k